83 South Street, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 3AP
Telephone: 01279 465700 - Phone lines open 8am-6.30pm Monday - Friday
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Bishop's Park Health Centre, Lancaster Way, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. CM23 4DA | Telephone: 01279 465700 - Phone lines open 8am-6.30pm Monday-Friday Sorry, we're closed
Herts and Essex Hospital. Cavell Drive, Haymeads Lane, Bishop's Stortford, Herts, CM23 5JH | Telephone: 01279 465700 - Phone lines open 8am-6.30pm Monday-Friday Sorry, we're closed
Surgery Activity for November Surgery Activity for October Surgery Activity for September Flu Walk-in Clinics #AskAboutAsthma Flu Vaccine Walk-in Clinics Surgery Activity for August 2024 Hertfordshire’s new, dedicated adult weight management service. Oviva- Weight Management Programme Surgery Activity for July
Female - Senior GP Partner/Managing Partner
Female - GP Managing Partner
Dr Rebecca Hadley MB BS London 1997
Female - GP Partner
Dr Ela Matys MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH - Female - GP Partner
Dr Manisha Peehal MB BS 1998 Nagpur University - Female - GP Partner
Dr Milinda Tennekoon MB BS DRCOG DCH MRCGP London 1990 - Male - Salaried GP
Dr Tracey Clemans MB BS LMCC 2003(Medical Council of Canada) - Female - Salaried GP
Dr Padma Vempali
Female - Salaried GP
Dr Rownak Majid - Female - Salaried GP
Dr Janine Fernandes MBChB BMedSc MRCGP
Female - Salaried GP
Dr Sophie Ho - Female - Salaried GP
Dr Helen Coghlan - Female - Salaried GP
Dr Sarah Gralton BM(Hons) MRCG - Female - Salaried GP
Angela Bartolf - Female - Salaried GP
Dina Ashraf - Female - Salaried GP
The practice has a team of highly trained and experienced nurses and three health care assistants to provide you with your routine and specialist care. They provide assessment, screening, treatment, care and education and have a strong focus on health promotion, both planned and opportunistic.
Our trained and experienced Healthcare Assistants are able to deal with an increasing range of services including blood pressure measuring, ECGs, dietary advice and simple wound management. They also run Weight Management and Smoking Cessation Clinics.
Within our team we also have nurses who are able to prescribe for a range of conditions.
Our Nursing Team offers general nursing services including: leg ulcer management, blood pressure management, cervical smears, ear syringing, immunisations, and are also skilled in a variety of specialities including:
Healthcare Assistants cover BP checks, chaperoning, ECG, 24 hours BP monitor, smoking cessation, weight management, Find out more…
Amy Sweeny - Nurse Lead
Deborah Austin - Practice Nurse
Emma Heywood - Practice Nurse
Sarah Foster - Practice Nurse
Sally White
Practice Nurse
Claire Fullbrook
Practice Nurse
Sally Lowe
Practice Nurse
Jessica Childs-Sheehan
Practice Nurse
Magdalena Zuwala - Healthcare Assistant
Amy Revell - Healthcare Assistant
Elena Trusca
Healthcare Assistant
Nadia Langley - Operations Manager
Midwives work with the doctors at the practice to provide antenatal and postnatal care to patients. Antenatal clinics are held at the surgery, except for Essex patients whose midwives make separate arrangements. Messages for midwives can be left with the receptionists or you can contact them on 01438 284533. The midwives hold regular antenatal clinics at the surgery and doctors see patients for antenatal care during their surgeries.
A team of health visitors work with the doctors and are especially involved in the healthcare of infants and children, as well as health promotion for all age groups. They are based at Herts and Essex Hospital and can be contacted on 01279 827902.
A team of District Nurses work with the surgery. They provide nursing duties to housebound patients every day of the week, as well as weekend cover. Arrangements for nursing care are made by the doctor, but the District Nurses can be contacted on 01279 827503 and are based at Herts and Essex Hospital.
James Dattani - Clinical Pharmacist
Dorota Karmowska - Clinical Pharmacist